
Monday, August 19, 2013

Biscornu Exchange

I recently joined the biscornu exchange on the I Love Cross Stitch Group.  We had 6 weeks to finish our project.  I was ambitious because my family went on vacation to Las Vegas and left me home to watch the house.  I ended up stitching up a storm that week, lol.  Because not only did I do my biscornu exchange I also was in a bookmark swap on StitchMAP.

The bookmark swap had to be to our central person by August 15th.  This is the bookmark I sent:

A beautiful Hardange piece that I changed a bit.
I actually restitched this piece because the first one I did, I didn't like how it turned out.  I also didn't particularly like the size of the first finished bookmark.
Well I also was able to stitch up my biscornu exchange.  I sent it off at the same time as the bookmark and I know that it arrived safely to it's new home.  Here is a picture of the finished piece:

I'm sorry it's only a side view I can't seem to get the full on frontal view >.<.  If you don't know me, you should know I'm from Colorado.  I took some colors that I thought went well together and made my own stylistic view of a Columbine (state flowere of Colorado).  I made both sides identical.  The side view that is shown has the "bud" of the Coumbine.
I enjoyed stitching this design up and I might stitch it up for myself in different colors.  I'm glad it arrived safely and will be well looked after in the new home.
That's it for now I'll post when I receive my bookmark swap and my own biscornu.
Keep On Stitchin'....


#HeatherMakes said...

I love your biscornu :-)

I haven't done one of them for a long time!!

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